PositudeTalks is committed to maintaining a safe environment for all ages whereby any explicit sexual, violent, political or discriminatory content will be prevented from being posted and/or removed once notified by our users.

Furthermore, we are committed to focus on sharing experiences and best practices in variety of topics including professional & personal development.

What’s your posting policy?

100% of all submitted video's will be reviewed for appropriate content before posting. PositudeTalks reserves the right to edit background prior posting.

Why only 3-5 minute video's?

As adult learners, our attention span is very limited. If you focus on specific topic for discussion, you will be amazed how much material you can cover in 3-5 minutes of time.

How do I get started?

We strongly suggest that you draft an outline of your talk. It should have a clear beginning, middle and end. Focus on the core experience and best practice you like to share with our audience.

Don't overthink the process, we are looking for authenticity not actors. You can use your Iphone/Android device to shoot the clip with focus on your face from about 3-5 feet a neutral background is preferred.

Once completed, simply email it to positudetalks@gmail.com and we will do the rest.

Who owns the content?

You will always be the owner of the content and can request it be removed at any time. PositudeTalks by proxy is authorized to use your content to enhance our audience experience. We will NOT be selling your content or sharing personnel information with any third parties

If you have any questions, please ask!

Don't be shy, ask the questions that beg to be answered. We are looking to partner not manipulate. Our goal is share experiences and best practices that inspire the Next-Gen of Leaders.

Contact us!

Drop us an email and we will get back to you in 24hrs!